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The Baer Law Firm Hired to Investigate Cause of Third-Degree Burns During Hospital Visit

Third Degree Wound CareA young wife and mother recently hired The Baer Law Firm to investigate why she suffered severe third-degree burns on her torso and legs following a hospital stay for pneumonia. Her injuries are truly shocking – words cannot adequately describe the severity of her disfigurement.

The circumstances leading to her injuries are puzzling, to say the least. According to hospital records, the patient was hospitalized due to severe pneumonia. While intubated, she was under sedation and provided with a blanket designed to regulate her temperature. A day or two later, nurses noted her skin was red and thought it was a rash. Then open wounds developed. Our client was life-flighted to another hospital, where she spent months receiving numerous skin graft treatments and incurring more than $4 million in medical expenses.

The Baer Law Firm has requested that the manufacturer of the blanket provide documentation with respect to its function and proper use. Based on information received to date, either the blanket malfunctioned terribly, the hospital staff failed to use it properly, or a combination of both. We appreciate the opportunity to investigate this matter further for this incredibly strong and resilient family.


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